Product Update #2

Jackson Powell | March 31, 2014

We recently wrapped up our Field Test, in which triathletes across the country trained and raced using our triathlon bag.  Additionally one of our samples got the OK to be a flight carry-on, and another one went kayaking. We’re delighted by the amount of positive feedback we’ve received. We get particularly psyched when testers throw the word "love" into their reviews, and amazingly, that happened quite a bit. 


We’re just as excited to learn about areas in which we can improve the bag. This is what we’re working on now. We’ve made a list of improvements from our field test results and prioritized them. Now we’re implementing them into our next prototype. Once we’ve successfully made these changes, we’ll prepare for production.


To give you an example, one of the changes we’re making is replacing our logo on the front of the bag with the name of the product line.


Stay tuned—we’re hoping to share a sneak peek of the bag in our next product update.


In the meantime, happy training & racing!

Your fellow athletes at Story38 Alliance