What It's Like To Use Our Bag
"This bag is perfect. Don't be deceived by other bags that look bigger or more complete. They are hard to use and more than you need. You'll only use them for tri races, which means you won't be used to the bag and won’t be able to easily find where things are packed on the day of the race, like you can with this bag. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Core Kit! I like keeping everything there and not having to load it and unload it for each workout. I just grab it off the shelf and know I’ll have what I need. The swim compartment is a handy place to keep everything I need for swim workouts, both open water and pool. It’s the perfect size and easy to clip onto the main pack; plus, the shoulder strap makes it easy to use on its own.”

"I like the padded construction and ease of organization. I love the straps in the main compartment to secure my bike shoes and sneakers and the zipper compartments that let me set up each section according to what I will need for training (ear plugs, swim cap, goggles, Body Glide, nutrition). I love the ease of dividing up the compartments by discipline to make it an easy transition. Plus, the bag is a great length—it doesn’t get in the way of my bike saddle if I wear it during a ride.”

Stay tuned for more information on our bag in our upcoming Kickstarter campaign!
In the meantime, happy training and racing!
Your fellow athletes at Story38 Alliance